The Holy Quran

 Virtue of the Holy Quran on the other speech :

Quran is: the Word of God Almighty and His Straight Path, which is the basis of a unification, and the argument the Apostle compelling, and his greatest, which is the source straight to the legislation, and manholes wisdom and guidance, a mercy rendered to the people, and the light reflected to the nation, and Amahgp white no one deviates from it but he is doomed.

Allaah says: {Verily this Qur'an guides to that which is I} [Night Journey]. He said peace be upon him: (preferred to the word of God Almighty to speak to other like the superiority of God to his creation) Narrated by Tirmidhi and he said good-strange, Albanian and weaknesses. Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him said: The Prophet peace be upon him: (this Qur'an banquet of God, They learned from Madpth what you can, this Qur'an rope of God, a light set out, the healing beneficial for those who stick with it, and the survival of those who followed him, and perverteth the judgment shall, and Aazag Vistattab, do not cease his wonders, does not create for the large response, Vatloh, God reward you for reading every letter ten good deeds, but I do not say pain character, but a thousand centuries, and L-century, and M's) Narrated by al and the Governor and corrected, and that which followed the golden Rawa is weak.

The Qur’aan could be defined as Allah’swords which were revealed in Arabic in a rhythmical form to Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam). Its recitation is used in acts of worship and its smallest chapter (surah) is of a miraculous nature. The Prophet’s divinely inspired statements which were recorded by his followers are generally referred to as Hadiths. For example, the Prophet’s companion (sahaabee), ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab, reported that he once said,“Verily, deeds are (judged) by their intentions. However, in some of his statements, the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) attributed what he said to Allah; forexample, another sahaabee, AbuHurayrah, reported that the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,“Allah, Most High, says, ‘I am as My slave thinks of Me and I am with him when he.

Virtues of reading the Koran and learning and teaching:
- Praised God Almighty on the following to the Book of Allah said: {Those who rehearse the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend out of what We have given them secretly and openly, they will never fail to pay them their wages, and gives them increase of His bounty He is Forgiving, thanks} [creator: 29-30].

- And said peace be upon him: (read the Koran, it comes the Day of Resurrection interceding for its companions) Narrated by Muslim.- And said peace be upon him: (such as a believer who reads the Koran, such as Alotrjh, good fragrance and good taste) Bukhari and Muslim.

- There is no doubt that the whole of learning the Qur'an and teaching is more perfect that is complementary to himself and others, inclusive of benefit of the minor on himself and benefit the infringer to the other, so they said peace be upon him: (The best amongst you to learn the Koran and knowledge) Narrated by Bukhari.

The Holy Qur'an - its revelation and history of compilation 
The Holy Qur'an was presented to the people of Arabia by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). It was presented in parts during 23 years of his prophetic life. The Book presents itself as the word of God and the Holy Prophet also presented as such.
The Muslims believe that the Holy Qur'an, being the revealed word of God, is the cornerstone of their faith. They get their philosophy, beliefs and laws from this book - it is their lifeblood. It is the Word of God revealed to his Messenger Muhammad Peace be upon him, who read it out before the world loud and clear. He not only recited it to the people of Arabia, he also made elaborate arrangements to ensure that it's contents be preserved and his companions should learn it by heart and should also reduce it to writing. The Holy Prophet's stress on the supremacy of the Book of Allah, over all other sources of religious knowledge, was unequivocal and categorical.
The Muslims believe that the Holy Prophet actually heard or received the divine words. The Holy Qur'an was communicated to the Holy Prophet
either through Wahee (Revelation), or 
through an angel or 
through words spoken by God Himself. 
All these three forms of communication, the Muslims believe, are verbatim in nature, that is to say, that the Holy Qur'an consists of actual words of Allah, communicated to the Holy Prophet.
The Holy Qur'an is not like the writings of the New Testament, where God inspired a scribe to write down the scripture; the idea and words were those of the scribe while God only supervised the scribe. In other cases, the Christians would like to say that the scribe was inspired by God and revealed a certain idea to him. The scribe then wrote it down in his own words. In case of the Qur'an, the words and ideas are both divine.
The words and verses of the Holy Qur'an were preserved, through the oral as well as the written traditions, in the Holy Prophet's lifetime. A very large number of companions of the Prophet participated in this preservation process and the text was safely handed over to the next generation. The process was so immaculate and tremendously sound, that the preservation of the Holy Qur'an has become an established fact of history.
What do the Muslims mean when they say that the Holy Qur'an in their hands today is exactly the one that was revealed to the Holy Prophet, and that this is an established fact of history? The meaning and significance of this statement can be explained in the terms of history where we would like to know when an historical fact is established beyond any shadow of doubt.

Arrangement of Surahs in the Holy Qur'an 
The Qur'an was being revealed in accordance with the needs of the different stages of the prophetic mission. It was however not compiled in the chronological order of its revelation. While compiling and arranging it, the Qur'an was being given a new order, which was to have a meaningful coherence for the readers in future. Whenever the Prophet dictated a passage of the Qur'an to the Scribes, he used to tell him where in the Qur'an that passage would be placed. This means that not only was the Qur'an being recorded and memorized as it was being revealed piecemeal, it was also being compiled and given a new order under the personal supervision of the Prophet. The Prophet in turn was being instructed by Allah about the placement of passages in the desired order. That is why the Companions use the word 'Compilation' while defining their functions as Scribes. It is reported: We used to sit with the Holy Prophet and compile the Holy Qur'an on parchments 
When the entire Book had been revealed, it is reported in several traditions that the Angel Gabriel heard the final recitation of the Holy Qur'an from the Holy Prophet [xxx]. This final presentation of the Holy Qur'an (Arzai Akheerah) gave the final shape to the Holy Book under the directions of Allah.
Thus the entire Qur'an was systematically recorded and arranged on written material during the lifetime of the Prophet. The Holy Qur'an was recorded on tanned hides, stone tablets, wooden tablets, pieces of cloth, shoulder bones etc. One complete set of the Qur'an was with the State authorities, i.e. with the Holy Prophet. It was placed in the Mosque of the Prophet (Masjid-e-Nabavi) where the Holy Prophet lived. From there any one was free to make a copy for himself or to refer to it in case he wished to memorize it. It however appears that apart from this centrally placed copy, a number of other copies also existed. A few of them must have been complete copies whereas in case of others, only portions of the Qur'an were in possession of a number of Companions of the Prophet.
Abdullah ibn e Abbas was asked as to what did the Holy Prophet leave behind him. He replied: 'The Holy Prophet did not leave anything but it was bound within a volume' .

The virtues of the Qur'aan, and in how many sealed?
- Is recommended to take the Qur'aan and pray that it is an obstacle to Mazan answer prayer.

- Qatada said: "It was Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him if the Qur'aan would gather his family and called." Narrated by Tirmidhi.

- The time that concludes the Qur'an are different to different people, but the reader should be stamped twice in a year that is not able to increase.

- About Makhoul said: "It was a strong companions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him read the Qur'an in seven days, and some of them in a month, and some of them in two months, and some of them more than that."

- And scientists hate to end in less than three; for saying peace be upon him: (no clue of the Quran read in less than three) Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi and classed.

- The Prophet peace be upon him to Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas: (Read the Quran in a month) said: I find strength. He said: (read it in ten) said: I find strength. He said: (Read in seven no increase on it) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

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